Secure your emails simply and efficiently 

Your secure corporate messaging with


Much more than an anti-spam, a complete solution to secure your messaging and more...

A high quality, complete and scalable security system



of your emails are spams, viruses, ads 


of companies are already
affected by ransomware


complementary antispam


antivirus engines
for an optimal protection


The most complete security email gateway in the world

SMTP Filtering Inbound & Outbound

X4 Antivirus

X16 Anti-Spam Technology

Robot / Human

Size and content analysis

List management

MAX: Extraction, list attachments

Individual quarantines

Categorization by A.I.

Unisign: Unified Signature & Centralized Signature

Legal notice and banners

RTD : Right to disconnect

Granular Security Policy

Dual console

Monitoring & Reporting

Multi-Domain Policy

Message Preview



GDPR & Regulatory Compliance

Security & Alert Banners

DMARC Analysis & Reporting 

Compatible with all types of messaging

A special Microsoft 365 version

EOP and ATP provide protection against junk mail and malware, although effective, they do not provide optimal security for Microsoft 365, which is the preferred target of hackers.

Source : SE Labs : «Email Security Services Protection» -January-March 2020

Find out how Microsoft for Microsoft 365 adds an extra level of security and protection

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