
New! Secuserve now includes a synthesis page for your DMARC reports: RUA (aggregated reports)

New! Secuserve now includes a synthesis page for your DMARC reports: RUA (aggregated reports)

On 22nd Aug 2024

New! Secuserve integrates a summary page for your DMARC reports: RUA (aggregated reports)




Did you know? We are the first in France to offer you a DMARC summary tool within an anti-phishing filtering solution



A clear overview of your DMARC policy performance

We offer a tool that provides a comprehensive view of your DMARC policy performance, allowing you to track the effectiveness of this protection against identity theft and phishing.

The DMARC summary page is accessible via the e-securemail V8 console.  

Want to learn more about these compliance reports? 

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